Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturated nature

An early walk...chilly damp air
Such a quiet
Maybe an occasional bird or the panting of my dog.
A strong breeze shook the leaves on the trees
Sending the over night rain drops to fall to the ground
Hushed whispers...secrets.
A sense of loneliness blanketed over me. Nature's setting encouraged that
And yet with the rain and the overcast skies all the colors surrounding me
Were deeply saturated and soaked into the overcast gloom of the morning.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A peek at the moon

The moon was peeking at me through Mom's river birch branches the night I went to see her. I took it as a sign that the surgery ahead for her was going to be successful.....and it was.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Secret spot

A secret place. A place I think I am the only one who knows.. And I come to quietly sit, feeling blessed that I am here.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Porch sitting

I love sitting on my porch in all seasons. There is something very warm and reflective about being there in the fall.
With colors all around and a crispness in the air,
I choose it as my favorite time...
until spring arrives of course

Thursday, October 22, 2015


She seeks deep within herself

The solace she desperately needs

Deep into the woods.
Hearing the breeze whisper for the sun
To hug with all its warmth.
Like her thoughts flashing,
Light and shadow dance across the trails
Traveling over the paths of today
-scattered and overwhelming-
Letting nature slowly calm her
As she continues on
Soul thirsty for energy from this sacred retreat.
Never to be disappointed.

It is here that she always finds her peace.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Leaves of Autumn

That time of year...leaves every where. All piled together, blown down the street, across the parks, swirling and whirling to land for a moment only to be picked up again by autumn's winds and taken somewhere to settle with many more...

Monday, October 19, 2015


My beautiful daughter and her husband celebrate their 2nd anniversary today.
Very happy for them both

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Such a beautiful day!

There are days when the sun is so bright, the air so fresh and around me so beautiful
that I can't seem to get enough.

Sunday morning gathering

I don't always make it to Sunday morning service
Instead I will walk some where quiet
where there is a gathering along a road..where my mind ventures down
The colors of fall, warmth of a love I feel in me
So much to be thankful for and here I am reminded of it all
Silent prayers

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


How fun. Look what I found as I was cleaning out the garden yesterday
Hidden down beneath the fallen salvia

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hanging On

Rushing around the house, busy, trying to get things together so I can get out the door to work.
God whispers for me to look up out the kitchen window.
The early morning light catches my eye as it shines through this one lone leaf clinging to a branch hanging down from my river birch tree
the strong wind trying to force it to let go
Naturally I had to 'catch' it with my camera while it still hung on

Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Never Ending Story

Like walking in a novel page by page
Visualizing the time and place
Slowly it begins, softly and easily

The plot thickens as there is more to see and read and soak in
I get involved with the characters-sometimes wishing I could change them
Bring them closer.
But it is written.

Each sentence must be devoured...not rushing to get to the end
...I could miss that little clue,

that sentence that makes all the difference

Momentum builds and builds and than, there it is!

I do not want this story to end.
Thankfully the author, and his nature book, creates a never ending story

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Change

Sooner or later it was bound to happen
Nothing can stop it now
The trees are going through 'the change'

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day's End

Ending the day with a bang. The country road rides off into the sunset like an old western movie. When the day ends like this, imagine what the beginning of tomorrow will be.

A Calming Morning

Nature has a way of knowing when I need calming
mute the colors..
dim the lights...

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sunday of Color

Heartland farm, where I go to pick strawberries in the summer,
was filled with color Sunday. And I don't mean the rows and rows of pumpkins
or wagons of miniature ghourds.
Or the scary cutouts of Halloween spooks.
Cuteness abounded too with pygmy goats and pot belly pigs
Brightly feathered chickens and furry bunnies...
boxes of red and yellow apples.
The colors that caught my eye were all the children with sparkly eyes
and big white smiles,
running from the hayride to the corn maze to the haunted barn
counting the pumpkins lined up in neat ops too many to count.
Each wearing brightly colored fleece jackets and hats-
wrapping their hands around warm cups of hot cocoa.
And it was my first time to enjoy it all with my only grand baby.

Doesn't get any better than that.


I am so blessed to live where I do.
I am blessed to be able to walk each and every morning...with my dog.
I am blessed that I have the four seasons to live through each and every year.
I am blessed that my favorite time of year is here

Friday, October 2, 2015


That time of the year when the blossoms from Spring turn into colorful little discoveries

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Saved by the Light

It is all about the light...sometimes.
Otherwise I may have walked right on by
missing the fine detail in this dead weed