Friday, March 30, 2018

The Big White BIrd

The very early overcast skies this morning lent a mystical blue magic on the lake. Fitting for the bright white pelicans and a pop of orange provided by their beaks.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Eye Witness

This morning I woke to a heavy fog and below freezing temps. I knew that meant some pretty frost awaited me on my walk. But when I took my first shot of the trees along the lake, to my dismay, the camera battery was dead. Using my phone camera would have to do. It was hard. I mean, there was a photo op every 20 feet. I kept telling myself that at least I had a camera on my phone, and just to be awake and out that early was something in itself. Quality of this breath taking sight is And yet, I was there and saw God's gift with my own eyes.